We offer, at no charge to our island community, a wide variety of durable medical equipment to borrow in times of need. Items include wheelchairs, transport chairs, walkers, crutches, canes, shower seats, commodes, and toilet seat risers. Please contact the office or stop by during office hours.
You can now see our collection online! Use this link to see what we have in stock:
LIHHS Durable Medical Equipment Catalogue
Reach out to arrange a pick up:
Call: 360-468-4446
Text: 360-316-8505
Email: admin@lihhs.org
We do take donations of medical equipment if it is in good repair. For an idea of what kinds of items we take, you can look at the catalogue above, but if you have an item that you do not see listed, feel free to reach out and ask. At this time, we cannot accept large items like lift chairs or hospital beds or disposable items such as diapers, pads or clothing.