Thank you for considering a donation, in any amount. Your generosity enables us to care for our Lopez neighbors in times of need.
Donate By Check or In Person
If you would like to avoid credit card fees, we welcome check donations, either mailed to us at PO Box 747, Lopez Island, WA, 98261 or dropped by our office at 178 Weeks Road.
Online Donation
Online Donation Form
If donating online is easier, you can donate through Mightycause on the link below. You will have the options of covering the processing fees yourself or having them come out of your donation.
If you employer uses employee matching through Benevity, you can also find us on there!
Planned Giving
You can help guarantee Lopez Island Home & Hospice Support will be here for our neighbors long into the future:
- remember LIHHS in your will
- name LIHHS as your life insurance beneficiary
- name LIHHS as a beneficiary of your IRA or other qualified retirement plan
Legal Name: Lopez Island Home & Hospice Support
Address: PO Box 747, Lopez Island, WA 98261
Tax Status: 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Stock Donations
LIHHS gratefully accepts donations of stock – please contact our office for details.
Annual Pledge
LIHHS deeply appreciates annual and monthly pledges. If you would like to help us on a continuing basis, please contact our office.